Thursday, February 10, 2011

My reflection on Chapter 2; "The Political Economy of Environmental Racism."

In chapter two the author take us on the inside of the oppressed colored community in Chester, Pennsylvania. It's shocking to read about how the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) gave more and more waste companies permission to operate waste burning in Chester. These companies showed no mercy to the inhabitants of Chester and brought hundreds of truckloads with waste through the poor neighborhoods of Chester every day.
One can clearly see the hidden threads that bind the policy, law and rich waste companies in Pennsylvania together. It makes me sick to see how the wealthy and educated people can be so ignorant. They don't care about the poor people's health as long as they can get their hands around some extra cash.
It's inspiring to see groups like CRCQL fight against such ignorant people against all odds. CRCQL never gave up, despite being apart of the oppressed colored community, and despite many downfalls.

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