Friday, March 18, 2011

Reaching Tipping Point? Climate Change and Poverty in Tajikistan.

This is a classic example on how some innocent countries and community’s ends up as victims of global warming. Countries as Tajikistan haven't done much to contribute to global warming, but still they are getting some of the biggest impacts.
Tajikistan many glaciers are melting away, and temperatures are rising slowly but surely; "The IPCC (2007) predicts that up to 1.2 billion people across Asia will experience increased water stress by the 2020s. Central Asia is a region that is already water stressed and climate change will exacerbate this in a number of ways
beyond reduced precipitation." (p.14)

"Climate change is an international injustice. Poor countries such as Tajikistan that have 
done the least to cause current global warming and consequent climate change are the first to 
begin to suffer the impacts." (p.21)

How can countries like Tajikistan defend themselves against climate change, especially when we just continue to “attack” them with emissions?

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