Friday, March 18, 2011


Awareness is what we need in today's society's, and we need it at an earlier age!
We are now facing one of the biggest threats human beings have ever faced, global warming. 
World leaders have been aware of this problem for several decades already, and billions of dollars have been spent on defeating it. But results are hard to find, and people don't really seems to care. 
Environmental problems is just placed in the background, growing silent, like a tumor.
If we want social justice and social sustainability in the future we need to educate people and give them the awareness they need. People have the right to be aware of environmental racism, toxic waste, they have the right to be aware of racial privileges and how the government turns down programs for environmental good. But somehow people don't care, and it seems that some people don't even know or choose not to believe in these crises.
One of my first thoughts after participating the social justice and social sustainability class was how desperately our society needs this awareness.
As I mention in class, we need to get this awareness to the kids. Social justice and social sustainability should be a class in elementary school! If we want the next generation to deal with these problems, then we need to let them know, the kids need to be aware. All of these social and environmental problems is a fact, and they need to be taken out of the shadow and into the spot light. If we want something drastic to happened in the future we need to let the future generation be aware. 

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