Wednesday, March 2, 2011

White Privilege: "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" By Peggy McIntosh

This article was startling to read, the author makes some good points and they are all true. The white race still have certain advantages in today's society and in some twisted way, we have manage to hide it from our self (the white race). “I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege.”(p.1) It's both sad and disturbing to know that kids are being raised in a society where they are taught not to recognize white privilege or racism if you prefer. How can we ever achive social justice if our children is raised in a society were rasism is hidden in our unconscious.
"What will we do with such knowledge? As we know from watching men, it is an open question whether
we will choose to use unearned advantage to weaken hidden systems of advantage and whether we will
use any of our arbitrarily-awarded power to reconstruct power systems on a broader base."(p.4)

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