Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Social Justice and Sustainability.

It's exciting to see how class differences in ambulatory cities such as Berlin begins to flourish again.
And how political property destruction is being used as protest. Seems like class difference is becoming a problem not only in suppressed countries, but also in rich sustainable countries. "As natural resources themselves, rather than the capital to extract them, become a major limiting factor in the world, one person’s gain is more closely correlated with another’s loss."

It's also interesting how they explain brutal regimes in the article, and how; “In the long run, great inequality can only be maintained by brutal regimes that crush the expression of dissent and keep the population in fear or cringing respect”. With today's technology and consumerism, people all over the world now have access to phones with both video cameras and internet. This have given people in suppressed countries with brutal regimes a new opportunity and a chance to be heard. Just look at whats happening in the middle east right now! I guess there is a dilemma with consumerism, bad for the environment, but good for social justice.
"Finding ways to combine a relatively free market economy with greater equality is one of the dominant challenges of our times."

Gro Harlem Brundtland was the prime minister in Norway when I grew up, so it was cool that she was included in this article. The Brundtland Commission is doing a great job for sustainability, and will hopefully continue their much needed work. "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."


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